Venice Tourist Hilariously Falls Into A Flooded Canal While Clicking Selfie


A video of a tourist in Venice falling into the canal while trying to take a selfie during the city’s major flooding has received a lot of funny responses online.

In the year 2019, Venice was left completely devastated as it faced severe floods. It was hit by its highest tide in more than 50 years that year!

And, ever since a video of a man falling into the canals was uploaded on Twitter by a user named StanceGrounded. Since then the video has garnered over 7.4 million views and also was retweeted 63,000 times!

Here’s the video. We can’t stop laughing at this.

In the clip, a man is walking through the heavily flooded area with a selfie stick in his hand, while completely forgetting that there is no ground left and falls into the canal. Sad.

And as usual, twitteratis had funny responses to the video. Here as some of the reactions.

Even we feel bad for this man for making it to the internet this way.

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