7 Memes That Prove 2020 Has Had A Funny Start

2020, memes, Superbowl Halftime,

2020 might be a lot funnier than in 2019. The internet always manages to give you bouts of laughter whether you’re having a bad day or not. One month in and we’ve already found funny memes to remember. From Shakira to Billy Porter, everyone did something meme-worthy! Have a laugh.

1. Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt’s reunion

Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt were captured by the shutterbugs at the SAG awards. Sparks flew and the internet flooded with funny memes, because what would we rather do?

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2. The Dolly Parton Challenge

The iconic Dolly Parton posted this with a caption, get you a woman that does it all. Literally every timeline was flooded with #TheDollyPatronChallenge and this turned into a meme, overnight.

3. Tom Hanks At The Golden Globes

Tom Hanks made an expression during the opening monologue at the Golden Globes this year. And obviously it became a meme.

4. Which is the best seat?

It started off as a debate on Twitter about the best seat at the New York subway. The memes took over and made it a debate about every seat at any place.

5. Billy Porter’s Hat made for a meme at the Grammy’s red carpet!

Billy Porter crushed The Grammy’s red carpet and later, the internet. The Pose star is known to make headlines and wore a paparazzi proof hat.

6. Shakira And Jlo’s performance at Super Bowl Halftime gave everyone an existential crisis.

The two gorgeous divas stole the show with their performance and of course, the internet was taken aback! Just look at them, they are bound to make you work on yourself.

7. Shakira’s Meme Moment

At the Super Bowl Halftime performance alongside Jennifer Lopez, the stunning, Shakira stared into the camera and wiggled her tongue. Also, it was her birthday that day and well, Twitter got its meme for the month.

Which of these funny memes is your favorite?