Luca Yupanqui, a 15-month-old toddler in the US, is all set to release her debut album that has been recorded in her mother’s womb all thanks to her musician parents.

This album is called “Sounds of the Unborn” and will be released on 2nd April by Sacred Bones Records. Toddler’s parents, Iván Diaz Mathé and Elizabeth Hart are musicians and have captured the sounds themselves.
In an interview with CNN, Hart talked about the process of recording then-unborn Luca in her womb. “The electrodes receive electromagnetic impulses that are translated into MIDI and then hooked up to synthesizers,” Hart said.
Luca Yupanqui’s debut album was recorded by her parents using an advanced technique called ‘biosonic MIDI technology’

Sacred Bones, the record label said that lil Yupanqui herself had “astounding awareness” as to what went down. She was present for the mixing session of the recordings even as a baby and could recognize her voice.
“She would open her eyes wide and stare at her parents, seemingly recognizing her own sounds from the womb, knowing that they were revisiting those rituals that made them come together as one,”, said Sacred Bones.
“Sounds of the Unborn”, will be released on 2 April this year.
Hart also told CNN, that Yupunqui’s music career may be short-lived. “She will choose her path in life and we will support her choices every step of the way.”, Hart concluded.
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