This Amazing Sunflower Inspired Home Follows The Sun Through The Day

Sunflower Themed House

Sunflowers use their inner circadian rhythms to follow the rays of the sun through the day. Inspired by this beautiful relationship, Australian architect Koichi Takada has built a home that does the same. Located in Le Marche, Italy, the building is designed for a single-family and built to capture green energy.

Using an approach known as “biomimicry“, the home has a rotating dome, and floors with sensors, that pick the movement of the sun, and move towards attracting the most amount of sunlight throughout the day.

Since the entire house is powered by Solar Energy, the house is able to produce 40% more energy, jut by moving. This energy can be put into the house’s energy grid and used for so much more. The house also features a rainwater harvesting system, and is ventilated naturally, in order to reduce the use of air conditioners.

“It’s not just about making a building look natural, it’s about creating positive environmental change in the homes we live in, the neighbourhoods we work and play in, and ultimately the planet we are privileged to inhabit… climate change must be a catalyst for positive change, beginning with our humble homes. For the future of the planet, we must shift from industrial to natural. We need a kinetic, living architecture that respects the environment while enhancing the wellbeing of the humans who inhabit it.”- says Takada speaking about the environmental footprints of his designs.

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