If we could have a dollar for every time our parents said no to pets, we would be billionaires right now. Some parents are pretty adamant that they will never ever have a pet in their house. But don’t you worry. Moms and dads change their mind and forget all the ultimatums as soon as they see a couple of little furry paws. Here are some examples –
1. My father, who used to hate cats, and Linus, my cat

2. No dogs in my car or on my bed, said my dad.

3. “We can’t keep it.” — my dad 10 months ago

4. He never wanted a dog. Here’s how it looked like 4 days after they met.

5. “That brown dog” who became “brown dog,” and then “Mr. Brown,” moved in with us. This is them 6 months later.

6. My father is 79, here’s how he went from “I don’t want that cat” to carrying her to “her room” for bed each night.

7. My dad didn’t like cats, and now he claims my sister’s kitten as his own.

8. Dad: “No animals in this house!” Also dad:

9. Caught him hugging the dog he didn’t want.

10. My dad didn’t want us to get a dog at first. I found this picture in his room

11. “He’s always going to be in the way, I’ll step on him.”

12. Dad: “If we get a turtle, I’m not looking after it.”
Also dad: “Ok Hector, let me show you pictures of your brothers.”

13. When he was a puppy, my mom refused to even touch him for months. Now, she cooks and gives him sweet potatoes every day.

14. “Pit bulls are dangerous, he said…”

15. “3 months after saying he didn’t want a dog.”

16. “My dad said he didn’t want an iPad… or a dog.”

17. “My dad, Mr. ‘Absolutely no dogs,’ with his best friend”

18. A little while ago my dad said, “There’s no way we’re getting a dog.”

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19. My dad would never admit how much he loves our old dog. But after finding this picture on his phone, he doesn’t have to.

20. Husband (one year ago): “We aren’t getting a dog.”
Husband (2 days after we acquired this little squirt): “Awww, she keeps crying, can’t she just sleep with us?”

So, what are you waiting for? Talk to your parents and try to convince them!
Also read: Meet Wallace, The Dog Who Hugs Every Friend He Meets On His Walks
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